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[E] IbeChasengirls
[E] IbeChasengirls
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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IMO the only thing IE is good for is to download another web browser xD. I love Chrome and Safari. Only reason I love safari is because of icloud. Other than that Chrome is the greatest thing ever.
over 12 years ago
Ok guys I haven't been on Minetown in like 5 months. And it has changed a lot. Now when I go onto the new server and type in /Server Main it doesn't take me to the world, it just takes back to the minetown ss. I was a member before all of these changes, but do i have to submit an application again? Sorry if this seems like such a noob-ish question to ask but ya I'm pretty lost here lol
over 12 years ago
There is one seed, that you spawn in a village, with a jungle, and a mushroom biome all in the same land mass. It also has a giant mountain with an arch. Also a ravine that goes straight to bedrock with some diamonds on the way down. Very cool
over 13 years ago
Ok sorry xD. Heres a real question, how many hours a week (approximately) do you spend playing on Minetown?
over 13 years ago
Sorry, I don't know whats with me and toast tonight, but man toast sounds good. Hrm I should stop saying toast huh, oh darn said toast again. Dammit! stop saying toast Ibe! >.<
over 13 years ago